четверг, 13 августа 2009 г.

Грузинское кино от Этери Окуджава

David Kakabadze in Theatre and Film

Preface of the book `David Kakabadze in Theatre and Film~

The process of art form development can be traced with ease through an entire history of Georgian theatre and film. The art of famous Georgian artist David Kakabadze (1889-1952) contains rich material for studying and determination of basic characteristics and peculiarities of this process.
The task of the book’s author is to determine the place and importance of David Kakabadze’s art in Georgian theatre and film based on a study of wide non fictional material and analysis of performances and films illustrated by the artist. The task of the author also encompasses determination of Davit Kakabadze’s role in working out the basic principles of constructivist style in Georgian stage design of 20-30’s of twentieth century, analysis of David Kakabadze’s specific artistic solutions in theatre and film that have reflected his artistic inclinations and principles.
The book raises the question of the necessity of complex study of David Kakabadze’s universal heritage for the first time - a heritage of theatre and film designer, inventor of stereoscopic film device, director of film documentaries and playwright. David Kakabadze is depicted as one of the founders of in-depth changes in decorative art of 20-30s, as an artist-innovator, assisting in establishment of the best achievements of world theatre and film on basis of Georgian national art.
The book examines the art of David Kakabadze against the background of harsh socio-political situation of the 30s as one of the best examples of artist’s dramatic destiny, whose esthetical search was in deep conflict with requirements and artistic regulations of the official ideology.
The author of the book has studied memoirs and archive materials, magazine and newspaper articles as well as the personal archive of the artist. The vast part of these materials is being used for scientific study for the first time, although the author remarks about a certain amount of knowledge accumulated in Georgian theatre theory concerning David Kakabadze’s design heritage. With that the author means the publication by N.A. Urushadze (“David Kakabadze, Tbilisi, 1978., and “David Kakabadze in theatre”, Tbilisi, 1982). But still there has never been done a study, which would examine David Kakabadze’s search in stage design with close relation to his multifaceted work.
The author also based the study on works of art historians like G. Alibegashvili, V. Beridze, D. Tumanishvili, L. Rcheulishvili, P. Margvelashvili, K. Kintsurashvili, I. Kheladze and articles published in compilations and magazines.
In the working process over the book the widow of the artist Eteri Andronikashvili assisted the author a great deal, answering the interests of the author with kindness and eagerness every time. The author is especially grateful to her.
In the preface of the book the author gives a general overview of the artist’s work.
In the study of artistic-esthetical system of performance and film the problem of artistic form, which is worked out by the artist acquires special importance. A work of the artist done over a performance or a film is a difficult artistic process. The role of the stage or film designer is not limited to designing a set or a movie shot only. The artist is one of the active participants of the artistic idea behind the performance or a movie carrying the same level of responsibility as the director for the entity of artistic solution.
In this very sense we can talk about David Kakabadze as one of the first Georgian stage designers. His name is linked with in depth reformation of Georgian stage and film design of 20-30s.
From 1928-1951 D. Kakabadze has designed twenty six theatre performances. In the 20s he starts working in film. In 1923 he invented a stereoscopic device for film screenings. The patents for which have been issued to almost every leading film directors of Europe and the United States.
D. Kakabadze was a screen writer and director of the documentary “Monuments of material culture of Georgia” (1931). He is the author of the literary screenplay for a feature film about the life of people living in mountains (1950), which was due for production but was eventually canceled because of the death of the artist.
The first chapter “Origins” examines the main stages of development process of Georgian theatre and film design as well as the art of David Kakabadze and the facts that determined the peculiarities of his work in theatre and film.
The author states, that on every stage of social development, starting from ancient times a human being tried to express his attitude towards an outside world: much earlier then the first forms of theatre design emerged, the first elements of synthesis of choreography, music and theatre were created in ancient rituals. Cinematography is relatively young. It was born from the century of technical progress. Thus cinematography is theatrical in part. Born on various stages of development of the society. In their esthetical and artistic essence, with specific characteristics of each of the genres, carry a trace of certain entity, which is determined first of all by their synthetic nature.
Overview of the history of Georgian theatre helped the author state the basic characteristics of the development process of theatre design, predetermined by the common flow of historic development. One of the most important stages of this process is linked with work of K. Marjanishvili and A. Akhmeteli. In cooperation with these masters the best of P. Otskheli’s, D. Kakabadze’s and I. Gamrekelis talent emerged.
In Georgian film as in film in general, the role of film designer was created out of certain experience of artists working in theatre. In the period when Georgian film was beginning to emerge the work of the artist still carried a purely “illustrating” character. But in the 20s, a film designer already becomes one of the active participants of an artistic process.
Davit Kakabadze has greatly contributed to the development of Georgian stage design. The author states, that artistic search of the artist in this field were characterized by an exceptionally sharp perception of an outside world. The effect of massiveness and roundness of an object is reached by an exclusive graphic, the subsequence of lighting, correlation of various surfaces into space and what is most important an exact and unexpected angle of vision of an outside world. This explains the authenticity of D. Kakabadze’s stage design at large. At the same time the author thinks that the complex research of this aspect in D. Kakabadze’s art would be impossible without the corresponding analogies in his oil paintings. It would be just enough to bring to mind a vast number of landscapes of Imeretia – native place of the artist – artistic principles of the painter are most clearly seen in those paintings.
The author analyses the uniqueness of artistic signature of D. Kakabadze. The work states the fact that in D. Kakabadze’s landscapes graphicness was never an intension. It is caused by specific perception. The artist’s ability “to view an object of expression from different “viewpoints” at the same time – from below, from above and from the side...A purely decorative color spectrum of D. Kakabadze’s landscapes kind of comes in confrontation with the artist’s strive towards multiple space solutions. But this might seem at first glance and this is the peculiarity of D. Kakabadze. He reaches a “holographic” effect by means of masterly distributed light and shade, sharp linear drawing. For instance, variously illuminated slopes of the mountains talk about the stereoscopic perception of space. In the 20s artist’s search in this direction was accompanied by serious achievements in paining and in the field of stereoscopic film. This period coincides with his travel to France. The practical work of David Kakabadze of this period is backed up by deep reflections on means of expressing the dimensionality of an object and depicting space on surface. Here the theoretical works of the artist are of special interest – “D. Kakabadze 1920-1921-1922-1923”. “Art and space”.
The period spent in Paris is of special importance in the art of D. Kakabadze. Active artistic life of France has widened an artistic horizon of the painter, enriched his view on character of theatre and film design. His first tries in the field of abstract art are linked with this time period. Here in Paris he created his first “decorative compositions”. Reflection of these trials the author finds in stage and film design done by the artist in 20 and 30s.
The second chapter of the book “Davit Kakabadze and the Georgian theatre” analyses the main works of the artist in Georgian theatre of 20-30s.
1920s is a time of drastic changes both in the life of Georgian people and Georgian art. In magazines like “Proletarian Art”, “Georgian Writers” and “The leftists” the leading representatives of literature published articles and manifestos calling upon radical changes in all fields of social and cultural life of Georgia. This was the time when everything old was drastically pushed aside – harsh times which ultimately gave birth to new artistic thinking and many talented artists.
The author states, that David Kakabadze brought a deeply personal, authentic tough to Georgian art, which has greatly predetermined search for new artistic solutions in Georgian stage design of that time.
Meeting with Marjanishvili revealed artistic inclinations of the artist in its full variety. Their collaborative work was much meaningful for both D. Kakabadze and actors’ company.
With the first performance (“Hop-la, we live” 1928) Marjanishvili firmly established his reputation of the director-innovator and this was greatly due to the stage design made by D. Kakabadze. The screen technique was used in the performance, but it was not an only innovation. In the performance “Hop-la, we live” film and radio elements were in synthesis with theatrical art.
It is well known, that in 20s and 30s V. Meyerhold boldly used elements of recording and film in his theatrical performances. Artistic search of the great director was based on his deep perception of new theatre esthetics. V. Meyerhold was sure, that “perception of various light-rhythmic techniques in linked with time, with sentiment of the audience in a given historic state” (see: “Film art.“ 1978, #4. p. 128). and that cinematography was the most contemporary form for solution of stage space. The idea of “cinemafication” of theatre (Meyerhold’s term – E. O.) finds its full realization in artistic collaboration of Marjanishvili and Kakabadze.
Film shots dubbed with the help of the radio were the “predecessors” of the sound film. D. Kakabadze’s bold solutions corresponded fully with brave experiments of K. Marjanishvili. With the help of “cinematographic dynamism” the director and stage designer reached a special expressionism of the stage action, enhancing importance of its content and emotional side.
Based on the analysis of the stage design “Hop-la we live”, as well as the existing literature (U. Chkheidze “Memories and Letters”, Tbilisi, 1966..D. Antadze “Days of the Near Past”, Tbilisi, 1966, E. Gugushvili “Kote Marjanishvili”, Tbilisi, 1972) the author determines more or less characteristic peculiarities of D. Kakabadze’s art, which was already revealed on this early stage of his theatre work. These are sharp linear forms, rich color scheme and authenticity in creation by “the image of time”.
After the first theatre work by D. Kakabadze it was clear that in front of him just as in front of other leading artists of Georgian stage – I. Gamrekeli, V. Sidamon-Eristavi, P. Otskheli stood a task of precise reflection of surrounding reality on stage. Although each of them had solutions to this task all of their own. The proof of it can be found in vertical, massive stage construction of V. Gamrekeli; sophisticated genre composition of V. Sidamon-Eristavi; stage design of P. Otskheli which was a combination of conventional stage forms with elements of a vivid spectacle.
In the process of study of artistic laboratory of Kakabadze as a stage designer a great help to the author were sketches for the performance “Bail” (1929) found in personal archive of the artist. The color scheme of these sketches is dominated by black, yellow, brown, deep-gray hues that create a basis for the future color range of the stage design. Here are the paper-maches done in silver paper. Seams like the artist tried to reach an illusion of “the play” of the sun light. Searching for color and nuances of light and shade D. Kakabadze makes sure of the size of the decorations and indicates the exact mass of the whole stage construction. Shortly, he goes through a hard working process.
Developing an idea about the evolutionary character of D. Kakabadze’s art as a stage designer, the author refers to the close link between Kakabadze’s painting and color and compositional solution of stage decorations in particular stage designs of performances of national dramaturgy.
The book largely deals with the theme “Imeretia” as one of the leading themes in the art of D. Kakabadze. In the stage design of the performance “Step mother of Samanishvili” (1937) “From Yesterday” (1939) the author refers to the lucky construction of the place of action on stage. Based on the sketches of stage constructions as well as sketches of certain characters the author strives towards a more precise “restoration” of the artistic image of the performance; determine the role and importance of D. Kakabadze’s work in stage solution of the author’s idea.
The author also focuses greatly on critical remarks that depict Kakabadze as “a formalist painter” as well as articles of artists, who defended the artist at their own risk (M. Chiaureli, B. Jgenti, B.Gordeziani).
After luckily corporation with K. Mardjanishvili D. Kakabadze continued job in the theatre together D. Antadze,V. Kushitashvili and with other directors. Mainly mark for Kakabadze stayed right and coloring light of the picture, looking for effect light, deep compositions.
While researching D. Kakabadze’s work in Georgian stage production of classical program (Mozart and Saliery”, 1937, “The Stone Guest” 1937, “King Lear”, 1941) the author remarks on the vast scope of artist’s thinking, his strive towards wide exaggerations and in depth analysis of the play.
Following artistic path of stage decorator D. Kakabadze the author comes to the conclusion, that the artist’s search in the field of stage design has broadened artistic-esthetical horizons of Georgian theatre art. In particular, the stage compositions of D. Kakabadze and widely used film effects have influenced the future development of Georgian stage design in a major way having greatly determined its vivid national authenticity.
In the third chapter “D. Kakabadze and film” the author examines artist’s contribution in Georgian film as well as his work as a film director of documentaries and a screen writer.
Film of 1920s opened up a perspective of new artistic search for the artists. Such talented Georgian artists as D. Shevardnadze, V. Sidamon-Eristavi, D. Kakabadze, and L. Gudiashvili are working in film of that time. They were not only attracted by the idea of trying themselves out in a new occupation, but the leading motivation for it was an extraordinarily active artistic life of Georgian film studio, which was a unity of a large number of really talented people, main task of who was restoration of national cinematography.
D. Kakabadze started working in film in collaboration with M. Kalatozishvili. Their first collaborative work was a documentary called “Their Kingdom” (“18-28”) shot in 1928. The film does not exist today. There are only memories of the contemporaries left, majority of which remarked about the high quality level of the movie.
After the movie “Their Kingdom” artistic collaboration between Kakabadze and Kalatozishvili was even more firm in connection with the documentary called “Jim Shvante” (“Sault of Svanetia”, 1930) dedicated to the lives of people living in the mountains. While analyzing expressive side of the movie, the author states, that characteristic graphicness of D. Kakabadze found its new imagery realization here. Compositional solutions of the shots are close to the paintings of the artist. In the sketches for “Jim Shvante” D. Kakabadze especially focused on the light – here there is the same distribution of light and shade as in the series called “Imeretia”, when the artists uses the elements of his painting in film. D. Kakabadze does not forget about the peculiarity of film. His way of lighting, which comes to life via the eye of the camera, acquires the character of author’s reflection.
Composition created by D. Kakabadze and artistic development of M. Kalatozishvili was heard in the movie as “voice of the author”. Artistic style of D. Kakabadze appeared to be close to the style of the movie director: sharp lighting, underlined linear character of forms, unexpected shift of the range – all of it helped them both depict the tense expressionism of the material.
Participation of D. Kakabadze in creation of the movie “Jim Shvante” cannot be only evaluated as a work of film designer, who has contributed to creation of material world, color scheme of the movie and etc. The movie is completely loaded with artistic imagery created by D. Kakabadze.
After “Jim Shvante” M. Kalatozishvili lived a long and artistically full life. He came to live longer than his senior artistic collaborator. For many years his name was synonymous with the victories of the Soviet film of the 1950s. The fame of the movie “Storks are flying“spread worldwide. Later studying and determining characteristics of poetical film, researching its origins, the critics started talking about the movie “Jim Shvante”. Famous film scholar S. I. Freilich was the first to indicate the link between “Jim Shvante” and “Storks are flying“. In his opinion, it is enough to view these two movies one after the other and the handwriting of one and the same artist becomes clearly visible. The book’s author develops the idea of S. I. Freilich about D. Kakabadze’s influence on young M. Kalatozishvili, viewing this aspect as an important factor in determining the origins of M. Kalatozishvili’s work.
In collaboration with Lado Gudiashvili and movie director Mikhail Chiaureli D. Kakabadze creates artistic solution for the movie “Saba” (1929). The book remarks on the role of the lighting in the overall built-up of the movie. Upon working on the lighting D. Kakabadze, L. Gudiashvili and director of photography A. Polikevich were solving an important expressionistic task: revelation of dimensionality and volume of objects. The lighting effect works in total agreement with the scene, composition of the shot and editing. On the surface of the movie screen we see the scenes where three dimensional forms, deep space and views of lighting are given in action.
Artistic collaboration between D. Kakabadze and M. Chiaureli continued in the movie called “Khabarda” (“Get away”, 1931). Here D. Kakabadze once again works together with L. Gudiashvili. M. Chiaureli a former sculptor, artistic – caricaturist was quite proficient in the artistic peculiarity of film. He is the first in Georgian film to establish a practice of drawing scene sequences. The book underlines that D. Kakabadze’s talent opened up for M. Chiaureli more in a technical aspect, in usage of a double exposition, out of focus shooting, deformed reflection of an object and in creation of fictional screen action.
The artist was especially delighted with the movie “Paradise Lost” (1937) which was the first sound film for D. Kakabadze. The success of the movie was first of all determined by its literary source – prose, classical work of Georgian literature written by Davit Kldiashvili. The director together with the artist created a true reflection of the life of poor nobility from Imeretia. Imeretia with its national and characteristic peculiarities represented a rich material for the authors of the film. Every sketch for the movie – is a result of long reflections of the artist, a proof of tense collaborative work with the director.
When studying peculiarities of Kakabadze’s artistic vision, his artistic signature in film, the author gives a high evaluation of his work as a director of documentaries in the movie called ”Monuments of Georgia’s material culture (1931). Unfortunately the film does not exist today. Several remarks written on the sides of the screenplay tell us about D. Kakabadze’s work as a director. It seams that the movie was planned to be of vast production. Judging from the photo material, ability to freely operate with camera, gave Kakabadze opportunities to view wider space. D. Kakabadze edited the movie himself. The blueprints determine succession of movie shots, length of editing pieces and link between them.
In cinematographic work of D. Kakabadze there is one interesting moment – libretto of the movie which was never produced. It talks about the life of the people living in the mountains. The author tries to determine the evolution of D. Kakabadze’s interests and peculiarities of his artistic individuality.
At the end the author gives main conclusions of the study. Artistic solutions of performances and films designed by D. Kakabadze are examined in the book in connection with the leading socio-cultural tendencies of the time.
Multifaceted artistic individuality of D. Kakabadze, his way of deeply analyzing common art forms, vivid and expressive means of artistic solutions of performances and films – all of this determined the importance of the artist’s contribution in the history of Georgian film design.
D. Kakabadze’s work in theatre and film greatly assisted to creation of new poetics of decorative arts of 20s and 30s. It helped establish new art forms, the main exceptional character of which was the synthesis of painting and constructive origin.
Authenticity of D. Kakabadze’s work is greatly determined by him being close to indigenous roots of Georgian national art.
Research of D. Kakabadze’s contribution in the development of Georgian theatre and film design adds to and enriches our view on true value of the art of this painter in the common cultural process. A detailed knowledge of this aspect of D. Kakabadze’s work is an organic part of world theatre and film culture.
Eter Okujava ---- Full professor of Shota Rustaveli University of Theatre and Cinema
E. Okudjava on art of D. Kakabadze:
1. David Kakabadze and film. “Soviet Art” (“Soviet Art”), 1977, N10.
2. David Kakabadze – Art and times, thesis of reports on science session
of Georgian State Theatre Institute. 1980.
3. David Kakabadze – artist “Jim Shvante” and “Bail”. Almanac “Film”.
1988. N4.
4. David Kakabadze and artistic world of Mikhail Chiaureli, Almanac
“Film”. 1990. N3.

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